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350 mm
270 mm
Quantity / Sqm
15.9 pcs.
Weight / Sqm
48 kg
Batten Spacing
280 mm


Natural Appearance

            The assemblage of the Zen Roofing Tile, its color, dimension with uniqueness yields and allure of an exotic and elegant roof finish. The dominant features of flatness and orderliness embodies the distinct tranquil and tasteful features of a modern architectural concept. The dominant features of flatness and orderliness coupled with earthy wood grain on the surface embodies the distinct tranquil and tasteful features of a modern architectural concept.


Technology and Style

            TThe Zen Roofing Tiles conjures a fusion of style and function with prominent interplay of strong monolithic dimension yet capturing the natural aging of wooden material.

            Conceptualized by Riviera Filipina, Inc. and Japanese roof tile specialists with foremost consideration on local weather and atmospheric condition, the tile is machine-pressed-a process which strengthens the tiles. In additions, this process allows water-blocking channels to be formed on the tile.

            The machine-press system of fabrication and the modern painting process ensures excellence in quality and durability.

Your Veritable Choice

           For more than twenty years of strong market leadership, Riviera Filipina, Inc. attains unprecedented long records of success in the local roofing industry. The continues and long-running success of its Hispanica & Mediterranean Concrete Roof Tiles and now the Zen Roofing Tiles are proofs of Riviera Filipina, Inc.’s commitment in redefining the industry and consistently providing the optimum in products and services.